Sunday, May 21, 2006

I just saw the Da Vinci Code movie. If you liked the book, you will like the movie. If you loved the book, you will love the movie and if you hated the book, you will hate the movie.

Most importantly, if you have not read the book then you may be a little confused with the movie.

I read the book a while ago, it was enough time to forget some the details (so the movie was still exciting and new) but not so long ago that I did not forget other details (I was not utterly confused).

There has been a lot said about the book. The book was entertaining enough to be finished quickly. The conspiricy theories were a little wild. That is to be expected when you are on a "Grail Quest" with the Knights Templar involved.

The movie itself is much like 2004's National Treasure about Templar treasure hidden away by America's founders.

I would recommend that you read the book just because people have told you not to read it. Always remember, people that start burning books end up burning people.

If this book is a little beneath your intellect but are still interested in Grail and Templar conspiricy theories, try reading Umberto Eco's Foucault's Pendulum.

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