Friday, June 30, 2006

Andre Araujo for Cranston School Committee

Dear Friends and Neighbors,

My name is Andre Araujo and I am running for School Committee. I am asking for your vote on Tuesday, November 7, 2006.

I am a 32 year old married father of a young daughter attending Cranston’s public schools. We own a single family home in the Forest Hills neighborhood.

I am an employee of the US Navy. I also serve as an enlisted technical sergeant with the RI Air National Guard and I am a vestry board member of the Church of the Ascension in Cranston.

I graduated from East Providence High School in 1991. I was discharged honorably from the US Air Force in 1997. I hold two associates degrees, one from CCRI and the other from the Community College of the Air Force. I am currently completing my bachelor’s degree at URI.

We were all very disappointed with the way that Horton Elementary School was shut down and shocked by the callous manner in which our community was treated by the school committee.

Instead of just complaining, I want to do something about it. I want to work hard for more reasonable school budgets. I want to work with City Hall to get better state and federal aid and to alleviate the burden from the city property taxpayers.

We have hardworking and loyal teachers in the schools that deserve a decent wage so that they can continue to provide quality education to our children.

If elected by you, I will do my utmost to serve you and our future generations to the best of my ability.

Sincerely yours,

Andre Araujo

Phone: (401) 261-2681

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Herald Letter to the Editor calls out No-pony-tano

I think the word is DUMBFOUNDED. This word describes my reaction to recent newspaper articles and television commercials reminding me that Michael Napolitano will be running for mayor of Cranston. He is the number one choice of the Democratic Committee, and I can’t help but wonder WHY.

- Claudia Pietros, Cranston,

Read it all here!

*** UPDATE ***
Another scathing letter to the editor concerning No-pony-tano can be found in Thursday's printed ProJo West Bay edition on page D4 titled, "Hold onto your wallets!" by Rick Jackson of Cranston.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Superman Returns

Just caught Superman Returns and I highly recommend! If you are a fan of the 1978 Superman film you will not be disappointed in this one.

Look for hints and inside jokes about the first movie in this one. There are even small subtle digs at Bush, if you are quick enough to catch them.

This movie takes place five years after the events of Superman II.

My only gripe is a trailer for a movie called "John Tucker Must Die". I was with my seven year old daughter and I found this trailer to be very inappropriate considering the audience for "Superman Returns".

There is a more movie executive that does not deserve his job out there.

Declaration of Candidacy Deadline Today!

A reminder that today at 4:00 PM is the deadline to declare yourself a candidate.

If you have not done so, I urge you to get to Cranston City Hall and get on the ballot for a political party committee.

More info can be found with the Secretary of State concerning political party committees, campaign finance information, declaration of candidacy, and how to run for office.

*** UPDATE ***

*** UPDATE ***

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Monday, June 26, 2006

Cindy Fogarty Reception

Please join us for a Reception Honoring

Councilwoman Cindy Fogarty, Democratic Candidate for Mayor of Cranston

Tuesday, June 27, 2006 from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm

Fitzpatrick's Pub
1145 Park Avenue
Cranston, Rhode Island 02910

Suggested donation: $50.00

If $50 is too much for you, consider $20...

We rather have you there with a little than not have you there at all!

*** UPDATE ***
A wonderful night with special thanks to Joe Castellone and Carl Sheeler!

Saturday, June 24, 2006

A Message from Al Gore

From the creators of Futurama comes a terrifying message from Al Gore. An Inconvenient Truth is now playing in theaters.

Avon Cinema will be showcasing the movie today, June 25th at 3:00pm. Tickets are $6.50. Call 724-7700, Ext. 6 for more information.

Friday, June 23, 2006

Rhode Island Air Show at Quonset Point

The US Air Force Thunderbirds, right, fly in formation as the Oracle Challenger III, center, flown by Sean Tucker, and the Castrol Cap 232, flown by Mike Goulian, pass over the air field at Quonset Point in North Kingstown. The Thunderbirds are the feature act at the Rhode Island National Guard Air Show at Quonset Point June 24-25. The show is free to the public.

*** UPDATE ****

Carl Sheeler was there with his young son. He had signs on the highway leading into Quonset that stated, "Sheeler loves jets and vets"

Bones, possibly human, are found in Cranston

Bones discovered yesterday afternoon in a Garden City neighborhood near the Training School have been turned over to the medical examiner for testing to determine if they are human, said the Cranston police.

*** UPDATE ***
The state medical examiner yesterday confirmed that bones found on the outskirts of a large parking lot behind the former Davol plant on Sockanosset Cross Road, are human remains, and the police said they could date to the early 1900s.

John W. Horton Elementary School: 1923 - 2006

Reminder: Today is the very last day of Horton Elementary School.

This afternoon, starting at 3:30PM at the school, a good-bye to Horton BBQ.

Come on by...

*** UPDATE ***
Notables included the attendence of Cindy Fogarty, Allan Fung, Mark Lucas, Steve Stycos and Paul Archetto

Notably absent was Deb Greifer


*** Elevated from comments, Councilwoman Paula McFarland ***

Dear Horton Families,

While I would have preferred to be with you on your last day, it was also the last day for the General Assembly. I thought I would be able to get away, but given the bomb scare called in, it became apparent that I would not be able to attend. I have many fond memories of Horton School. I went on many field trips over the years and spoke to many classes studying local government and helped to get playground equipment (when there was no playground) and of course my work with Parent Organizations to help better the Horton community and the Forest Hill neighborhood.

I worked with school committee members and other local officials to try to keep our neighborhood school open. But it has become apparent that our neighborhood schools have been swallowed-up by bigger larger elementary type campus that don’t care about the smaller class size or filling a classroom at all.

I know you all worked hard and thanks to your efforts, workings of the School Administration have been exposed to ensure that in the future parents become part of the process from the beginning and not when it suits the School Administration to just rally the troops for their own causes and forget us when it isn’t. So please be proud of your work, some of us did listen!


Paula McFarland

Monday, June 26, 2006 4:54:52 PM

Bring Your Dog to Work Day

This is Harley, the black lab, she is not at work and look at how she is taking it!

Thursday, June 22, 2006

The Rolling Stones to Bush: "You Can't Always Get What You Want"

The Imperial's Royal Suite is ranked among the top 100 hotel rooms/suites in the world. Mick, old Keith Richards, et al. will be ensconced amidst the Royal Suite's precious antiques, soaking up the atmosphere of old Vienna, while the leader of the Free World has to settle for lesser digs elsewhere in the city. The president's people apparently thought that Jagger would just hand over the suite when they asked him to. Now they're red-faced because they couldn't talk the unimpressed rocker into giving it up for the president. --Providence Journal

Canceling AOL

Check out this video and transcript of a man who called AOL to cancel his account-- and the customer service rep refused.

The best part:

The AOL representative - as a last resort even asked if [the customer's] dad was home.

"I think I could've put up with everything, but at the point when he asked to speak to my father, I came very close to losing it at that point," said the 30-year-old Ferrari.

DailyKos: "Santorum Makes Sh** Up!"

No great surprise that the Rubber Stamp Republicans are absolutely shameless. But this from Santorum really takes the cake.

Congressman Hoekstra and I are here today to say that we have found weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, chemical weapons.... Since 2003, coalition forces have recovered approximately 500 weapons munitions which contain degraded mustard or sarin nerve agent. Despite many efforts to locate and destroy Iraq's pre-Gulf War chemical munitions, filled and unfilled pre-Gulf War chemical munitions are assessed to still exist.

"We"? Did Santorum and Hoekstra do what teams of UN weapons inspectors and the Iraq Survey Group couldn't? As Think Progress notes, this is what the administration's investigators found:

While a small number of old, abandoned chemical munitions have been discovered, ISG judges that Iraq unilaterally destroyed its undeclared chemical weapons stockpile in 1991. There are no credible Indications that Baghdad resumed production of chemical munitions thereafter, a policy ISG attributes to Baghdad's desire to see sanctions lifted, or rendered ineffectual, or its fear of force against it should WMD be discovered.

Think Progress also notes this admission from Bush himself.

The chief weapons inspector, Charles Duelfer, has now issued a comprehensive report that confirms the earlier conclusion of David Kay that Iraq did not have the weapons that our intelligence believed were there.

Maybe Santorum just has some super-duper security clearance, giving him access to information that the administration doesn't get. Or maybe he's just grasping at whatever straws are within his reach as he competes with Conrad Burns to be the least popular Senator in the country.

Update [2006-6-21 22:51:2 by mcjoan]: smintheus has much more here.

*** UPDATE ***

Santorum debunked over WMD's by (of all networks) FAUX NEWS



Iraq chemical weapons too old to use: US intelligence officials


The reason, discovered!

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Faux News Channel Shows True Colors

This is from the highly rated Fox News watchdog site, Newshounds.US

Tiki Barber may be superb on the football field but on FOX & Friends' "Tuesdays with Tiki", he comes across as just another FOX News shill-in-training. Yesterday morning, he and co-host Kiran Chetry were so completely outmaneuvered by civil rights attorney Michael Gross that FOX literally cut the segment short for a commercial break. You can watch the video and read the transcript below.

Enjoy the show

Rhode Island's Young Democrats

The RI Young Democrats will have their monthly meeting Wednesday night at 8:30pm at Patrick’s Pub on Smith Street in Providence. All young Democrats are encouraged to attend.

*** UPDATE ***

Charlie Fogarty was there!


Tuesday, June 20, 2006

No-pony-tano Gets Cranston Dem Endorsement


Last night, the Cranston Democratic Committee voted 37-2 to give the Democratic endorsement for Mayor of Cranston to Mike Napolitano, former Municipal Court judge, in his contest with Councilwoman Cindy Fogarty.

Juan M. Pichardo, State Senator

Here is another for your social calendars, ladies and gentlemen!

The very good Mr. Juan Pichardo will be having a fundraiser for his state senatorial re-election campaign tomorrow night on longest day of the year, the summer solstice.

Juan's campaign site is still under construction but have no fear, here are the details: Roger Williams Park Casino in Providence, June 21st from 6 to 9pm. Make checks payable to "Friends of Juan Pichardo".

Here is what you need to know: Juan's district in Providence borders ours in Cranston. Juan is the highest ranked politician of Dominican origin in the whole nation. Juan and I serve together as enlisted Air National Guard members with the 143rd Airlift Wing out at Quonset.

*** UPDATE ***

Very classy event attended by the likes of Sheldon Whitehouse.


Monday, June 19, 2006

The Campaign Season

Today, I attended the grand opening of Charlie Fogarty's new campaign headquarters on Federal Hill in Providence. Senator John Kerry was on hand to introduce the next governor of Rhode Island and it was all very exciting.

The great thing about the campaign season is the ability to meet and greet some of the more famous members of our society.

Well, we have another opportunity right here in Cranston. The next mayor, Cindy Fogarty, invites you and your family to join her at Fitzpatrick's Pub at 1145 Park Avenue on Tuesday, June 27th from 7 to 9pm.

It is a fundraiser and the suggested donation is only $50. If you cannot afford that, don't worry, just give what you can. Political campaigns are extremely expensive and it is such a shame that money hinders much of our freedom, liberty and democracy.

If you cannot afford contributing financially, please consider contributing your time and work. Come volunteer on the campaign, you will learn much of the process and be part of this great enterprise we call democracy.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

School's Out Forever

Before I launched this site, my neighbors and I fought hard for the saving of Horton Elementary School - my daughter's school.

We launched "" which crashed and was revived as by co-blogger, Horton parent and now City Council candidate Mark Lucas.

Sadly, after many months of meetings and speeches, the Cranston School Committee voted to close the school.

On Friday, June 23rd from 3:30 until 7:00 PM, Horton will have its last farewell. Many of the city's dignitaries have been invited to join the students, parents and teachers of Horton turn over the last page of this long book.

Friday, June 16, 2006

DailyKos Blogs RI Gov's Race

RI-Gov: Carcieri (R) in trouble

Fri Jun 16, 2006 at 10:06:54 AM PDT

Rasmussen. 6/5. MoE 4.5 (No thrend lines.)

Carcieri (R) 40
Fogarty (D) 41

Rhode Island Democrats can be so corrupt (common in one-party states of either flavor) that voters like to send Republicans to the governor's mansion just to keep a check on the massive Democratic majorities in the legislature.

But that schtick appears to be wearing thin this year, as the incumbent Carcieri appears to be faltering.

*** UPDATE ***

TODAY: John Kerry to Stump for Fogarty



DailyKos Blogs RI Sen's race


Ward 2 Choice: Picturesque -- or Panicked

With Cindy Fogarty's decision to run for Mayor of Cranston, her Ward 2 Council seat is now up for grabs.

And, just as with the Mayor's race, the early signs are that there will be a clear decision to make -- between an independent-minded candidate who wants to improve the community, and a mindless robot of the establishment.

Respectively, they are Joe Castellone and Emilio Navarro. Mr. Castellone is clearly upset with the way Mayor Steve Laffey has run the city, he's a supporter of Councilwoman Fogarty, and he has said that one of his top priorities is to focus on local beautification efforts.

Castellone recently explained that the city can get federal money for a tree-planting program (rather than spend local taxpayer dollars) -- if only the local elected officials would apply for it. Mr. Laffey hasn't put in one request for federal money through Congressman Jim Langevin's office in four years, by the way.

On the other side is Mr. Navarro, President of Budlong Little League. This is most likely the reason Mr. Navarro is getting support from the local Democratic establishment-- Mr. Navarro looks good on paper and will (presumably) not need any actual help or money from the party.

Aside from this, though, Mr. Navarro appears to believe that insulting the local police department with a panic campaign will help his chances of election.

A short review of the facts:

The Cranston Herald reported on June 8 that a local daycare provider (left unidentified) had gotten word that a sex offender has registered with the local police department as a condition of his release from prison, and has moved into either Eden Park or Auburn.

The daycare provider then printed 500 copies of a handmade poster and, without consulting with the local police department, started distributing the posters.
Mr. Navarro got into the act, even standing outside a local supermarket to distribute the potentially illegal handbill.

Legally speaking, the degree to which local law enforcement can identify released sex offenders is still in debate. But what IS clear, is that vigilantism by neighbors is completely wrong -- it sidesteps the function of law enforcement and substitutes panic for legitimate vigilance.

A better decision -- particulary by Mr. Navarro, who is depending on his reputation of Little League President to get elected -- would have been to coordinate neighborhood meetings with police officers to review the proper steps to take to protect their children.

Instead, by further marginalizing and stigmatizing the ex-con, Mr. Navarro may just cause the result he claims he's trying to stop: another attack on a child. (Any psychological expert will tell you that this is what causes people to commit sex crimes in the first

So, the decision in Ward 2 this year will be between Mr. Castellone, who believes in improving the community, and Mr. Navarro, who would rather panic his neighbors and insult our hard-working police officers.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Blogging the Episcopal General Convention

If you are interested in following the General Convention of the Episcopal Church, there is a live running blog - - by Father Scott Gunn. Before he was ordained Father Scott was the organist at the Church of the Ascension on Pontiac Avenue in Cranston.

The U.S. Episcopal Church faces a fractious debate this week over the controversy caused by the consecration of the church's first openly gay bishop, which has rubbed raw relations with fellow Anglicans world wide.

The Church leadership has crafted proposals it believes will address concerns within the 2.3 million member U.S. church and from abroad.

Note that the Episcopal meeting is not the only national church gathering taking place this week. There is the Southern Baptist Convention, the Presbyterian Church General Assembly, and the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops meets this week.

*** UPDATE ***

Episcopalians elect first female leader!



Selective Justice

Mike Napolitano is again giving strong hints about his character as a candidate -- namely, that he's a bumbling tool of the local Democratic machine.

The story goes like this: a couple of years ago, Mr. Napolitano sued one of his neighbors over a miniature pony the neighbor has bought for his handicapped child. Mr. Napolitano fought the case all the way to Superior Court to prove that the neighbohood association of this exclusive burg had the right to restrict what homeowners could do.

Seems alright... until you consider that Mr.Napolitano is now VIOLATING that very idea by placing political signs on his lawn! His former neighbor, Dave Mignacca (who has since moved to another location in Cranston), has been on Channel 10 publicly challenging the former Municipal Court judge (ironically, someone who is supposed to uphold the ideal of equal protection under the law) to follow the very rules that Mr. Napolitano formerly fought for -- it appears that the rules of the neighborhood state there will be "no signs of any kind" -- in the section immediately preceding the no-animals rule.

Mr. Napolitano's response? "There is a First Amendment right to freedom of expression."


To get to the First Amendment, Mr. Napolitano would clearly have had to read the Preamble which ensures "Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."

It seems that in Mr. Napolitano's world, that means HIS happiness and the happiness of his wealthy, gated community neighbors.

*** UPDATE ***

Napolitano has relented and removed the signs.



Wednesday, June 14, 2006

The Power of the Blog

I want to draw your attention to another blogspot for one moment.

It's a blog very similar to this blog, it is run by Chris D. Jackson. A 19 year old student at the University of North Alabama and just your average American teenager trying to make a difference in society. He is an advocate for Tenn.'s Harold Ford Jr.'s run for Senate.

What makes his blog noteworthy is because he was attacked by the National Republican Senatorial Committee.

This is what makes blogs so great. It puts a lone 19 year college student on par with a national political party.

You do not have to be a media tycoon, talk show host or even a crazed columnist. You just have to be someone aware, concerned and courageous enough to speak your mind. Suddenly, you are on the same stage as the noise makers.

The NY Times had a very interesting article that basically stated that blogs have equalized access to the public forum.

The folks on the left are far more savvy about all aspects of blogging and are on the bleeding edge on both the technology side and on the content side. The right, which at one time dominated blogging (example: Drudge Report) have now ceded their position to the left and reverted back to their safety zone - talk radio.

Talk radio (and for that account Fox News) has steadily been losing its audience to the blogs and with that I say, "Digital has killed the Radio Star"

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Early in the Campaign Season

Even though it's early in the campaign season, the two candidates for Mayor of Cranston have already presented far different images to the public.

On the one hand, Councilwoman Cindy Fogarty announced her candidacy to 80 close friends and family at the Portuguese Club off Elmwood Avenue. She made very specific points about where the city is, and where it needs to go from here. Councilwoman Fogarty also made very clear that she doesn't want to waste the efforts that have been made to straighten out the city's budget -- and she has the record to prove it. It was interesting to watch the reaction from Democratic City Chairman Mike Sepe and former Mayor John O'Leary when Councilwoman Fogarty stated that she didn't want to return to the days of irresponsible budgeting -- Messrs. Sepe and O'Leary appeared irritated, to say the least.

(Maybe they should have considered how the taxpayers felt at watching Mr. O'Leary bail out of a run for re-election in 2004, leaving a fiscal crisis in his wake.)

On the other side is former Municipal Court Judge Michael Napolitano, whose sole qualifications seem to be the patronage job to which Mr. O'Leary appointed him in 1999, and a huge personal fortune which he is using to fund his campaign. Mr. Napolitano's campaign got off to a rocky start, to say the least, when the next day's Providence Journal coverage focused more on the fact that Mr. Napolitano had duct-taped a city flag to his podium than to anything he had to say that night.

In the meantime, as Councilwoman Fogarty has fought to keep Horton school open and worked on the city budget to keep taxes stable, Mr. Napolitano has placed high-cost billboards in the city promoting his candidacy "For All the Right Reasons," an insultingly vague slogan that avoids even the appearance of serious plans for Cranston's future. (It should also be noted that this exact slogan is used by NASCAR's charity organization, which raises funds for, among other causes, sick children and the homeless.)

Even more disturbing, though, are Mr. Napolitano's new cable television ads, which show him in judicial robes, in what looks like a courtroom, talking and smiling with a group of senior citizens.

Now, this might not be that objectionable -- except that Mr. Napolitano made a very public show of stepping down from his bench appointment to run for Mayor to avoid the appearance of unethical conduct!

It defies logic that, at the same time, Mr. Napolitano can step down to avoid looking like he's running from the bench, then fund a television ad that makes him look like he's still on the bench.

Compounding this already egregious conduct was the timing of the ads -- they started on television the same weekend that Peter Pastore, a very respected former City Councilor and true leader, died tragically. While the city flew its flags at half-staff in honor of Mr. Pastore (at Mayor Laffey's direction, no less), Mr. Napolitano apparently decided it was a good time to unveil his new campaign ads.

It was striking how Councilwoman Fogarty maintained a low profile during the city's mourning, while Mr. Napolitano seemed to see it as a political opportunity.

Not that this should be a surprise; Mr. Napolitano has fallen in with the very people -- John O'Leary, Mike Sepe, Joe DeLorenzo, etc. -- who ran Cranston into a deep financial hole and left it to Mayor Laffy (who now is taken seriously as a contender for a US Senate seat because of his time as Mayor) to clean up the mess. This group's judgment, to put it mildly, is highly suspect.

As the campaign rolls on, Mr. Napolitano and his crew are sure to engage in negative smear campaigning, since they have no real plans or platform. And especially when he appears before the public in the upcoming debates -- unscripted and forced to talk on his feet by himself -- Mr. Napolitano will surely find that his 'strategy' (vague slogans and poor choice of
advisors) will give him no cover from the voter discontent that is sure to follow.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Political Surveillance in Rhode Island

Two extremely significant bills addressing political surveillance—one favorable and one damaging to civil liberties—are pending in the Rhode Island General Assembly. Your immediate help is needed to make legislators aware of the importance of curtailing government spying.

One bill would give state and local police broad powers to obtain access to your telephone records and Internet subscriber information with no judicial oversight. This bill must be stopped. Contact your state representative and urge them to oppose S-2450 and its companion measure H-7525. This bill has already passed the senate; you can learn more about it here.

The second bill, sponsored by Rep. Edith Ajello, prohibits state and local law enforcement from collecting information about the political, religious or social views of individuals or groups unless the information is directly related to a criminal investigation. It has been passed by the RI House of Representatives and is currently pending before the Senate Judiciary Committee. Urge your Senator to support the bill, and learn more about it here.


Providence, RI - Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Carl Sheeler challenged the proposed Rhode Island General Assembly legislation, S-2450 and its H-7525, to expand "police powers" calling it a dark day on Rhode Island.

Sheeler stated "This bill brings us to the brink of a Soviet-style police state. It's a stain on our constitutional rights of privacy. The room for abuse without a warrant is extreme.

“Assume I'm politically connected and I claim you're a public threat, make a few calls and your current and past personal phone history, your internet use, your bank records, your credit card statements and your personal life is exposed. History tells us J. Edgar Hoover kept thousands of files on political enemies. Not enemies of the public or the state - his.

“People's lives were destroyed or held hostage for the perception of wrong doing. We need to protect our children from predators and the public from terrorist, but we have a system of checks and balances for a reason to minimize abuses and to increase accountability."

Sunday, June 11, 2006

The Two Party State

No matter what anyone tells you, Rhode Island is a two-party state.

No, not Dems and Reps. You could squeeze all the locally elected Republicans into a phone booth and if you check out polling, you can see why.

The few right-wing Republicans that we do have running loose around Little Rhody are only so because of some deep emotional disorders. Not to worry, once Rhode Island passes Fair Share Health Care Plan legislation they will be all right.

The two parties that we do have in our little state are the "Establishment Dems" and the "Anti-Establishment Dems".

The Establishment people are the business-as-usual political-machine smiling men that are groomed early and spruced up with tons of cash.

The anti-Establishment folks are the sometimes sloppy and not-so professional but very passionate and committed ground warriors of societal progression.

Back in the good ol' days before Dubya, the anti-Establishment folks were secure enough in being to start to leave the Dems and go to independent third parties. Back in 2000, the debate was not Gore or Bush - it was Gore or Nader. Anti-Establishment folks flourished back then, we had the Cool Moose Party, Greens and others popping up.

After Dubya, the anti-Establishment folks realized that the anemic Establishment Dems could lose power and allow the emotionally disturbed to win elections. After the shock and horror has worn off, the anti-Establishment Dems are back in the fold and this time we aren't leaving!

Register to vote for the September 12the primary because in Rhode Island, that i’s the REAL election!

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Rhode Island requires that cats be fixed

Carcieri signed a law Friday making Rhode Island the first state in the nation to require cat owners to spay or neuter their pets.

Cat owners must spay or neuter pets older than six months unless they pay $100 for a breeder's license. Violators can be fined $75 per month.

This is an excellent idea and the rest of the 49 states should follow suit, but (just could not resist) the male feline community responded with the picture...

Friday, June 09, 2006

The Game of Politics

The old saying, "If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem!"

Do you want to get involved in the exciting world of local politics? Do you want to see the game from the field instead of the stands?

I am a volunteer for Cindy Fogarty's campaign for Mayor of Cranston and I encourage you to join us!

In other political news across the state:

Senate: Incumbent Lincoln Chafee (R):

* Dems: Sheldon Whitehouse, Carl Sheeler

* GOPer: Steve Laffey

* Chafee won his first term with 57% of the vote

* Focus on the Family runs anti-Chafee radio and newspaper ads

* Hotline 6/1: A National Research Inc. (R) poll; conducted 5/21-24 for the Club for Growth; surveyed 300 "very likely" GOP primary voters; margin of error +/- 5.66% (release, 6/1). Tested: Sen. Lincoln Chafee (R) and Cranston Mayor Stephen Laffey (R).

Primary matchup
Chafee 46%
Laffey 44%
Other/Undec 10%

Laffey 54%/27%
Chafee 45%/51%

The poll, made up of 84% GOPers and 16% indies "very likely" to vote in the primary, shows the race "in a statistical dead heat." Both camps tried to spin the poll to their advantage. Chafee spokesperson Ian Lang said the survey shows Chafee "in a strong position to win the primary, despite being hammered" by Club for Growth ads. Club Pres. Pat Toomey said the poll showed Laffey "has pulled even or slightly ahead" of Chafee, "despite a barrage of negative attack ads" from the NRSC.

* Hotline 5/30: “Whitehouse "is spending more than" $180K "on ads promising to bring home the troops, lower drug costs and protect" Social Security. Bryant Univ. prof. Stanley Baran said Whitehouse could be attempting to move Chafee to the left, hurting his GOP primary chances. If Chafee moves to the right in response, Whitehouse could use that against him in the general election.”

* Projo profile of Sheeler

* Environmentalists unhappy with Chafee vote blocking mandatory security steps for wastewater-treatment plants

* Hotline 5/26: "Whitehouse said he supports marriage equality for same-sex couples as well as the Employment Non-Discrimination Act. He also supports a repeal of the military's "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy."

* Chafee TV and radio ads attacking primary rival Laffey Well, that’s less money to spend for the general should Chafee make it that far. Chafee is getting attacked in ads from the right and the left.

* CQ interview with Sheldon Whitehouse

* Laura Bush fundraises for Chafee

Governor: Incumbent Don Carcieri (R):

* GOPer: Brown Univ. prof. Dennis Michaud

* Dem: Lt. Gov. Charles Fogarty

* Carcieri won his first term with 55% of the vote.

* Upbeat, aggressive Carcieri set to launch re-election campaign

* Michaud announces his candidacy. Related: Bakst’s take on Michaud

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Flood Warning

821 PM EDT THU JUN 08 2006




Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Bush's Empire of Dirt

A U.S. Army officer said on Wednesday that fighting in the war in Iraq would make him "party to war crimes" and he would not go.

First Lt. Ehren Watada's supporters -- including clergy and a military family group -- said he is the first commissioned officer to publicly refuse to serve in Iraq and risked being court-martialed.

This news comes as Haditha unfolds...

The fault lies with the neoconservatives who, ensconced within the American Enterprise Institute, PNAC, and the rarified air that exists within the circles of power in Washington dreamt up the crackpot idea that the United States of America could invade a foreign nation that had never threatened nor attacked us, rain death and destruction upon a sovereign and proud people, sell off their natural resources to Halliburton, and assume that flowers and peace would blossom in the craters, ruins, and poverty left in the wake of our "liberation".


The killing of al-Zarqawi is a great event for the US military, and they should be lauded for it. However, this is now the important time. Just as the toppling of Saddam left a power vacuum into which al-Zarqawi stepped into, the military and the US government cannot allow the power void of al-Zarqawi to be filled by something more sinister. This is an opportunity for a real turning point in Iraq. I just hope that the turn is not immediately eastward.

Discuss it here...

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Shai Ramsdell - FOUND ALIVE

11-year-old Shai Ramsdell has been missing since yesterday from Cranston’s Edgewood section. If you have any information related to the case, call the Cranston Police at 942-2211.


Cranston girl missing since Monday has been found alive. Police said Shai Ramsdell was found around 7 p.m. across the street from the Providence Place Mall. Police said an anonymous tip lead to the discovery of Shai. According to police, someone saw her flier announcing her disappearance and called police.

Village Playground Renovation

A group of neighbors in Edgewood/Pawtuxet Village got together with the City of Cranston and raised money (private donations) to renovate this playground. It’s an inspired effort that shows effective teamwork between citizens and city government.

The site takes donations, in case anybody wants to contribute to the effort,

More info here

Monday, June 05, 2006

Rhode Island's Future Discusses Cranston Politics

  • Former Cranston City Council President Peter T. Pastore Jr., 47, a bank executive, suddenly passed away last Thursday. He was a man of great integrity and financial skill who will be dearly missed.

  • Democratic Mayoral candidate Michael Pisaturo has dropped out of the race citing personal reasons. He also will not be running for re-election to the City Council.

  • School committee member Andrea Iannazzi has put rumors to rest that she will be running for the General Assembly and instead will focus on getting re-elected to the school committee and passing the bar. Iannazzi is one of the young rising stars of the Democratic Party.

Get into the mix and toss around a few comments on Rhode Island's largest political blog, "RI's FUTURE"!

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Building Blocks

Question, do you know how to eat a whole elephant?

Answer, you take one bite at a time!

A free socially-aware citizen gazing out onto the vast wilds, dubbed our western liberal democratic civilization, may feel a certain sense of trepidation.

Bring that down to just our national two-party political structure and it is still a mammoth ordeal. So let us chop it down further to the state and local level. Let us come down all the way down to our cities, towns, districts, wards and precincts.

Let us eat the elephant one cell at a time.

Where does one begin? The municipal party committee is the starting point for a socially responsible citizen. If that municipality is still just too great to tackle, go down to the ward and precinct level - hell, go down to the neighborhood association!

Sometimes, I think that the general public does not understand that this society is steered from the bottom up more than from the top down.

These small cells come together to form the organs of the beast of our national political parties.

Democrats and Republicans have respective committees that can either bless or damn a potential candidate'’s campaign. This is the real primary, winning the endorsements of those anonymous and select members.

How do these people get there in the first place? They are voted on by fellow registered party members during the primary or general elections. These are the names of the people way down the ballot.

These are the names that you have never heard of and are either picked randomly or not at all. A person that can get just a few hundred or so to vote for them has a very good chance of winning a seat.

You do not need to be famous or an academic - just a voting-eligible citizen.

We need the right people in those seats and not the usual power brokers. With the filing dates closing fast, and if you are not already running for office, I urge you to get yourself or someone you know on those ballots.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Peter Pastore

We are very sad to have heard this news.

Peter Pastore died Thursday at home.

He served on the Cranston City Council for 14 years serving as President the last 4 years.

Peter was dedicated to his role as a public servant.

Blog Changes

I have changed the template of this blog. Nothing wrong with the old template but the "side bar" was causing some formatting issues with Internet Explorer 6 (the most common web browser). I perfer using Mozilla Firefox, myself.

The sidebar is now being rebuilt and will you will have to scroll down and look towards the left side of the screen.

Friday, June 02, 2006

The Liar Named Bill O'Reilly

In a debate with Wesley Clark on his "news" show, The O'Reilly Factor, Bill O'Reilly once again falsely claimed that American forces perpetrated a massacre of SS soldiers at Malmedy, France, during the Battle of the Bulge in WWII. Nothing could be further from the truth - in fact, Nazi SS soldiers murdered unarmed American soldiers from the 285th Field Artillery Observation Battalion in that massacre. This is the second time that O'Reilly has made this outrageous and false claim - he said much the same thing after the images of Abu Ghraib were released.

Demand a retraction from Bill O'Reilly about the Malmedy Massacre and Sign the Petition!

Thursday, June 01, 2006


"I hate war as only a soldier who has lived it can, only as one who has seen its brutality, its futility, its stupidity." — Dwight David Eisenhower

Hindsight may be 20/20 but decent foresight is infinite. A very decent man E-mailed me something that he wrote in 2002.

Reasons for Thinking More Carefully About Invading Iraq

I am not a political scientist, economist or military strategist, but I am a loyal and enthusiastic citizen of the United States, I have eyes and ears and, I think, a little common sense. And since we the people are supposed to be able to contribute to the discussion, I want to say that I think invading Iraq would be crazy, and the following are my reasons why.

1. We are the Superpower. But true superiority is measured not in megatons but in capacity for humanity, fairness and restraint.

2. Once again, we have older, privileged men (largely), personally inexperienced in war combat, wanting to send young, less privileged people to fight and die.

3. If the Arab and/or Islamic world turns hard against us, we will experience an energy crisis beyond historical precedent and beyond present imagination. It does not take diplomatic rocket science to project that. And it does not take Sherlock Holmes to figure out that shortages will result in untold wealth for energy people here in the United States, a constituency amply represented in our current administration.

4. Nobody likes Saddam Hussein, and that may be the basis of a good sound bite, but personalizing a problem does not solve it, and solving our issues with Iraq involves a lot more that getting rid of Saddam.

5. The present regime in Iraq is clearly horrible and dangerous, but the solution has to involve denying them support. Yet everything we have been doing lately seems to be gaining them allies.

6. We have more military might than everybody else, but modern guerilla warfare and recent terrorist events should be teaching us that military might is no longer synonymous with effective military power.

7. If I were going to personalize and caricature the problem, I would portray Cheney and Rumsfield as spoiled, rich preppies who want to re-fight the Bush, Sr. war using other people’s kids and money — and Bush, Jr. as perhaps a nice guy but in way over his head.

8. The long-term solution to our energy problem involves becoming much less dependant on oil. At best, we have taken only baby steps in this direction, and under the present administration, we have gone backwards.

9. The solution to our international crisis involves creating better relationships with Arabs and Muslims all over the world, relationships based on mutual respect. Cynicism about American intentions among these people is based on plenty of shameful history, which can be undone only by patient, honest trust-building. It is a long-term project, but if we don’t begin right now, it will take even longer. Such an effort has to find its beginning in being scrupulously fair in our dealings with Palestinians. To be sure, Yassir Arafat has lost a lot of personal credibility with almost everyone, and extremist Palestinians, like extremist Jews, have done everything they could to scuttle peace efforts. But most Muslims seem to think that we are toadying to Ariel Sharon, whom they consider to be a terrible butcher, and it is not too hard to figure out how they got that idea.

10. The last time we went to war in a big way was the Gulf War, and if that was as effective as it is touted to be, why are we in the position we are in now? The same people want to manage this war. Now we read that during the Reagan administration when this same crowd was running things, we were providing means for biological warfare to Iraq to be used against Iran. And now the same crowd wants us to trust them to send our children and grandchildren to war? We need to think about this some more.

Our leaders are finally going to the United Nations and the U.S. Congress, but only because forced to by national and international public opinion. They do not seem to want to hear from we the people, this being America not withstanding, but I nonetheless need to say that I think that what they are planning is going to result in just about everything we do not want.