A U.S. Army officer said on Wednesday that fighting in the war in Iraq would make him "party to war crimes" and he would not go.First Lt. Ehren Watada's supporters -- including clergy and a military family group -- said he is the first commissioned officer to publicly refuse to serve in Iraq and risked being court-martialed.
This news comes as Haditha unfolds...
The fault lies with the neoconservatives who, ensconced within the American Enterprise Institute, PNAC, and the rarified air that exists within the circles of power in Washington dreamt up the crackpot idea that the United States of America could invade a foreign nation that had never threatened nor attacked us, rain death and destruction upon a sovereign and proud people, sell off their natural resources to Halliburton, and assume that flowers and peace would blossom in the craters, ruins, and poverty left in the wake of our "liberation".UPDATE
The killing of al-Zarqawi is a great event for the US military, and they should be lauded for it. However, this is now the important time. Just as the toppling of Saddam left a power vacuum into which al-Zarqawi stepped into, the military and the US government cannot allow the power void of al-Zarqawi to be filled by something more sinister. This is an opportunity for a real turning point in Iraq. I just hope that the turn is not immediately eastward.
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