Thursday, March 01, 2007

Domestic Abuse

The Battle of Forest Hills...

Parking disputes, congested roadways and safety concerns will apparently be continuing indefinitely in the neighborhoods surrounding Reservoir Avenue’s Domestic Bank. At Monday night’s meeting the council voted 5-4 to table an ordinance that would have placed a two-hour maximum on parking on the streets surrounding the bank.

From the Cranston Herald...

Everyone who attended the council meeting Monday night (with the possible exception of the Domestic Bank representatives) left feeling flabbergasted, dismayed and probably more than a little put out. There was a lot of grandstanding, excessive volume and surprisingly little accomplished.

More from the Herald...

Only in the “Kingdom of Council President Garabedian” could you enjoy such an entertaining City Council meeting as this past Monday’s, the results of which were the beheading of a neighborhood and the knighting of Domestic Bank – a company with a demonstrated lack of corporate governance. Only in the “Kingdom of Council President Garabedian” do you see a company rewarded for violating city codes, cease and desist orders and parking bans during snow emergencies.


If you have never attended a City Council meeting, now is the time. In just two short months, the current council, under the leadership of Aram Garabedian, has managed to fashion itself into something resembling a sideshow carnival act.

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